"People in need of a therapeutic community as they free themselves from dependency on drugs or alcohol can have their personality reconstructed by a new relationship formed with the Community leaders. This solid, lasting relationship forms a secure base for all these young people. This shared life, lived together aiming at realistic goals, restores their faith in themselves, reawakening the creative abilities of each one of them.
Discovering the personal and community religious dimension makes sense of their sacrifice enabling them to acquire the full meaning of their own existence." Giovanni Ramonda
A therapeutic community is the place in which we seek to provide an effective response to so many young people and families going through the trauma of drug dependency. The fulcrum is sharing that life that leads to welcoming in people with drug problems, opening up a path to recovery through personalised educational experiences.
In recent years, as well as dealing with drug abuse, we have also attempted to offer a response to other problems such as alcoholism and gambling addiction.
The aim of our rehabilitation programme is to make the people we welcome in aware of their own abilities, value the positive aspects of their life in order for them to gain full independence and self-fulfilment.
There are three stages in the therapeutic programme.