In 1995, prompted by the need for a practical response to elderly people in need of support, the Service for Elderly People was started up. Its main purpose is to prevent elderly people being placed in care homes, promoting and providing support for them to reside with their original family and, if that is not possible, to have them cared for in family homes.
Promoting a culture that recognises the elderly as an indispensable part of society and of the family, bringing with them values and experience.
Developing projects for combatting loneliness and to ensure, as far as is possible, that elderly people are able to stay in their own home, working in partnership with the relevant social services.
Developing plans to welcome elderly people into family homes or in foster families, also involving people and associations outside the Community, in order for elderly people to live a life in which there are plenty of relationships.
The family is the best therapy, in which elderly people can once again be Granma or Grandpa, rediscovering how to enjoy this unique bond.
The service engages in awareness-raising event and publishes books and videos aimed at promoting a culture that recognises elderly people as an integral and necessary part of the family and society, and taking advocacy action on such issues as euthanasia and the living will.
Figures for the Service for Elderly People (source APG23 2013 Annual Report)
Guaranteeing own-home residence, to enable elderly people to live in their own home or with their family.
Family fostering of elderly people who are alone, to give them a family in which they can become Grandma or Grandpa, reclaiming that role and being able to love and feel loved.
74 people over 65 welcomed into families and family homes in Italy.
Nearby residence projects
Day centres and socialisation
Projects supporting poor, elderly people in Africa