T. +39 0541 909630
The main aim of the Pope John XXIII Community Service for Children and Fostering is to promote and support the culture of welcoming, to guarantee every child the right to live in a family. When it is not possible for children to stay with their own family, welcoming them into another family through fostering is the fairest response in today’s social context.
Children unable to stay with their natural family have many basic needs. They need to feel chosen and to experience the complete, long-term love and affection of those who have chosen them. They have to be able to share in all aspects of family life, and to have their religious need met with great respect and loving care. Only these responses can help people grow in a happy, balanced way. If they are missing, every home they live in becomes a gilded cage. Fostering is the purest act
In 2006, the year in which institutions were scheduled for closure, the service became the moth-piece on this subject, also by attending the conference held on 4 December entitled, "Close the institutions or give a family?" - a powerful, well organised plan of action to guarantee children’s right to a family, putting forward some practical solutions.
The service works with the Forum delle Associazioni Familiari (Italian Families’ Association Forum) and with the CNSA (the Italian National Fostering Coordination Service).